Monday, September 2, 2019

Michael D Nobles

Attention: HR Manager Boeing Re: Aviation Technician Opening Dear Sir/Madam: In response to your recent advertisement for an Aviation Technician, I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review. As you will note, I have spent the past couple of years in the combined areas of ground Transportation, Towing logistics, Security, Alarm, Safety and Emergency systems installation and maintenance and I am looking to maximize my technical and mechanical skills to further business goals and bottom-line objectives. I am seeking to transition to the aviation field and to support this goal I am currently enrolled at the South Seattle Community College where I am pursuing my Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) degree. In my candidacy, you will find: A perfect safety record as well as an outstanding Technical and Mechanical Aptitude A team oriented professional with a positive work ethic and deep commitment to providing excellent results A track record of excellent performance as an employee at my various places of employment The proven ability to build genuine rapport I would like the opportunity to meet with you personally where we may further discuss your organization's requirements and my qualifications. I can be reached at home on (425) 793-6223 or on my cell phone: (425) 679-2079. I may also be contacted via email at [email  protected] Thank you for taking the time to review my resume and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Michael D Nobles Enclosure

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